What is a Pizzicato? What is a Glissando? Discover it and more things about the music instruments with Presto and its magic wand, a tale for small and big people with music of Mozart, Britten or Verdi.
Presto and the magic wand
Presto und der Zauberstab
Storyteller: Ursina Brun
Members of the Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden
Roberto Cuervo, Oboe,
Yannick Frateur, Violin
Maria Körndörfer, Violin
Kathrin von Cube, Viola
Samuel Justiz, Violoncello
You can consult all the concert details at the Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden’s web or in Facebook
Where: Loesaal, Loestrasse 26 in Chur, Switzerland
You can find the Loesaal, Loestrasse 26 in Chur below:
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