7 Apr 2019 17:00h, Theather Chur, Chur, Switzerland

Biennale, a contemporary music festival for Graubünden

The Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden also tries to make a contribution to the music of our age and our canton, Graubünden. At least once a year the orchestra interpret works wrote by composers of Graubünden or with a relation with the canton.

This special concert is part of the «Tuns contemporans» - Biennale für Neue Musik Graubünden: www.tunscontemporans.ch


Fortunat Frölich, *1954

    «Der Klang der Stille» (Premiere)

Dieter Ammann, *1962

    Unbalanced Instability for Violin and Orchestra

    Simone Zgraggen, Violine

David Sontòn Caflisch, *1974

    Enceladus für Ensemble und Orchester (Premiere)

    Ensemble ö!

       Riccarda Caflisch, Flute

       Manfred Spitaler, Clarinet

       David Sontòn Caflisch, Violin

       Christian Hieronymi, Violoncello

       Asia Ahmetjanova, Piano

Gion Antoni Derungs (1935 - 2012)

    Sinfonie Nr. 4, op. 132

--- **Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden** **Conductor**: Philippe Bach --- You can consult all the concert details [at the Kammerphilharmonie's web](http://kammerphilharmonie.ch/konzert-uebersicht/oe-ensemble.html) or in [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/299607250723969/). --- ## Location and time When: Where: [Theather Chur](https://goo.gl/maps/ZBBDjYrinYk), Switzerland

You can find the Theather Chur in Chur below:

--- Check your trip to the concert with the public transport:
Rail traffic information
