A strange combination of a musician (oboist!) and a software engineer.
Switzerland, Chamber Music, Mountains, just nice
2008 until nowSwitzerland, Opera, Symphonic, a lot of work
August. 2011 - June 2012Japan, Nello Santi, Rossini, Respighi
August 2005Germany, Helmut Rilling, a lot of Bach, Mendelssohn
August. 2004Japan, Haitink, Mahler, Strauss
August 2003Switzerland, Solistendiplom, Louise Pellerin
2003 - 2005Switzerland, Konzertdiplom, Thomas Indermühle, Louise Pellerin
1999 - 2003Spain, Juan Ferriol
1991 - 1999Bonaduz, Switzerland, Medical ventilators, leader company, state of the art technology, C++
Since October 2018University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Networks, Python, Students...
Feb. 2017 - Sept. 2018Netstal, Switzerland, Java, Maven, Ionic...
April 2015 - Jan. 2017Switzerland, Bachelor in Computer Sciences
Sept. 2013 - Sept. 2017Chur, Switzerland, Refactoring, Patterns
Sept. 2013 - March 2015Chur, Switzerland, Delphi, Scrum...
2013Where I work as musician, my orchestra
Where I work as software engineer, my company
© 2025 Roberto Cuervo Alvarez, oboe and software engineer